1st Wednesday's OCTOBER Tournament      

The "BLOCK" opens THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 12th at 6:00am
The "BLOCK" is for ALL MEMBERS, not just San Clemente residents

  • The "Block" is a group consecutive starting times that start at 7:39am and end at 11:06am for our tournaments.
  • If you did not get a starting time in the "Block" you will need to go to the City of San Clemente's Tee-Time Reservation System to get a starting time.
  • For Residents of San Clemente you would need to be online TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 24th at 6:00 am.
  • No tournament tee time later than 12:00 pm.
  • Nonresidents can try for a starting time on WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 25th

    Once you've made your own online reservation please inform the Wednesday Tournament Director, Kurt Luebke by emailing: kurtinsanc@aol.com with the names of the members in your group and the starting time.

    Or get on the waiting list at the Pro-shop Desk

  • Questions?   Tournament Director: Kurt Luebke, Email: kurtinsanc@aol.com


    Flights determined by Current Handicap Index.
    $10.00 Entry Fee, Current Handicap

    The "BLOCK" OPENS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 19th at 6:00am.
    You must call or go to the pro-shop at 6:00am to reserve a tee time for the "Block"

  • The "Block" is a group consecutive starting times that start at 7:39am and end at 11:06am for our tournaments.
  • If you did not get a starting time in the "Block" you will need to go to the City of San Clemente's Tee-Time Reservation System to get a starting time.
  • For Residents of San Clemente you will need to be online FRIDAY OCTOBER 4th at 6:00am. .
  • Nonresidents can try for a starting time on SATURDAY OCTOBER 5th.
  • No tournament tee time later than 12:00 pm.
  • Once you've made your own online reservation please inform the Saturday Tournament Director:
    Jeff Remmele, Email: jsremmele@gmail.com with the names of the members in your group and the starting time.
  • Or get on the waiting list at the Pro-shop Desk
    Questions?   Tournament Director: Jeff Remmele Email: jsremmele@gmail.com


    2 flights based on Combined Handicap Index
    <     WHITE TEES      
    Gross and Net prizes in each flight.
    Current Full Handicap.     $10.00 entry fee

    The "BLOCK" OPENS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 26th at 6:00am.
    You must call or go to the pro-shop at 6:00am to reserve a tee time for the "Block"

    • The "Block" is a group consecutive starting times that start at 7:39am and end at 11:06am for our tournaments.
    • If you did not get a starting time in the "Block" you will need to go to the City of San Clemente's Tee-Time Reservation System to get a starting time.
    • For Residents of San Clemente you will need to be online TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 26th at 6:00am.
    • Nonresidents can try for a starting time on WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 27th
    • No tournament tee time later than 12:00 pm.
    • Once you've made your own online reservation please inform the Friday Tournament Director: Dave Hamdorf by emailing: sanclementemensclub@gmail.com with the names of the members in your group and the starting time.
    • Or get on the waiting list at the Pro-shop Desk
      Questions?   Tournament Director: Dave Hamdorf, Email: sanclementemensclub@gmail.com